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The Intersection of Public Health and Safety

We help public health programs maximize limited resources and improve outcomes by connecting people to the services and medications they need... for a better life.

About Ramsell Public Health & Safety

Ramsell Public Health & Safety offers services and solutions to help eligible organizations maximize their federal reimbursement for their case management activities through the Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA) program and the Targeted Case Management (TCM) program.

Ramsell offers a flexible menu of services spanning from ad hoc consulting to help structure and implement MAA/TCM programs to fulltime management of MAA or TCM program.

Ramsell can structure MAA/TCM programs around current workflows, avoiding operational disruption. Ramsell also offers technology solutions to support MAA/TCM program, including ClaimTime, a web-based application that makes tracking time and activities easy and convenient. ClaimTime includes the market’s only mobile app, which seamlessly syncs with the ClaimTime web-based application, allowing a work force to record their activities from the field. ClaimTime also provides robust monitoring and reporting to ensure a successful and compliant program.